Local Churches

Are You Looking for a Church in Rochester?

Our mission at The Father’s Heart (TFH) is to support those in need with resources to help them thrive in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. There are many local churches listed in the map below (organized by location) that TFH has connections with within the Rochester area. We suggest that you look through the information to see which church might be the best fit for you and encourage you to contact them by email, phone number, or social media. We highly recommend that you set up a time to attend a church service or make an effort to visit them soon so that you can continue to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ!

Local Churches to Visit

Click on the church pins below to view more information about local church locations including contact information, service times, and website links. The spreadsheet linked to the button below also lists relevant information about local churches you can visit in the Finger Lakes Region.

Acts 2:42, NKJV

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."