Our Story


The Father's Heart Cross Large

"Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"
Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
Isaiah 6:8, NKJV

Our Story


Pastor Russ and Anne Loria

Founders of The Father's Heart ROC

Established on April 30th, 2011 by Pastor Russ and Anne Loria

Pastor Russ and Anne Loria spearhead The Father's Heart Ministry. The ministry humbly began back in 2007 when Russ and Anne, along with a few others, would go to The Cadillac Hotel to minister to the people there by bringing sandwiches, clothes, and whatever the Lord provided along with a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Around 2010, they began doing a monthly lunch at The Pines of Perinton with a group of people where they would provide a hot meal and a Gospel message. From there it has grown to be The Father's Heart Ministry, consisting of Rochester’s only mobile kitchen while continuing the other outreach at The Pines of Perinton. The mobile kitchen had its first outreach in April 2012. The bus goes out every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to various locations throughout the City of Rochester. The ministry provides city residents with groceries, clothing, a hot meal, Bible literature, a listing of local churches, and above all the message of hope: Jesus Christ.

The vision Russ and Anne had for The Father's Heart ministry from day one was to go to wherever the Lord directed; to be His Hands and Feet, extended in love to a broken, hurting, and lost people located in Monroe County and beyond.

Our History



  • The Father’s Heart ministry humbly began in 2007 when Russ and Anne, along with a few others, would go to the Cadillac Hotel in Downtown Rochester. They ministered to the people there by bringing bologna and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, clothes, toiletry items, and other items the Lord provided along with a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • In November, a group of youth and adults from Koinonia Fellowship traveled to NYC and served with NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry). They ministered to those in need with the love of Jesus Christ and had an opportunity to attend Times Square Church before heading back home.



  • In 2008, the Father's Heart started serving people living in The Pines of Perinton in a variety of ways. They served monthly luncheons to residents on Saturdays in the Community Room along with the Gospel message. In addition, The Father’s Heart held weekly Bible studies on Tuesday evenings.

  • During this time, The Father’s Heart also started holding an annual summer event at The Pines of Perinton called Family Fun Day to share the love of Jesus with the local community. These events would bless the people in the community by showing them the love of Christ.
  • In October, The Father's Heart took a team down to NYC to serve with NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry). The team shared the Gospel through street evangelism, worship, and a puppet ministry. 


  • The Father’s Heart ministry continued to grow and expand its outreach over the next year and provided hot meals and a Gospel message to all those who would listen in and around the Rochester area.
  • During Columbus Day weekend, The Father's Heart ministry went down to NYC to serve alongside NYSUM and ministered to the needy to meet their spiritual needs with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and their physical needs by providing hot meals, clothing, and toiletry items.



  • In July 2010 during the Pines of Perinton Family Fun Day, TFH gave a meal, a bag of groceries, and clothes to residents and other locals. They also provided kids activities like face painting, balloon animals, bounce houses, games, bike raffles, cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn! But most of all, the Holy Spirit’s presence was felt throughout the community through Christian music and the Gospel teachings from God’s Word. The prayers and ministering that was done by the saints during this time was incredible and set the foundation for future Family Fun Day events.
  • In the Fall of 2010, Koinonia Fellowship and several individuals donated funds to purchase a bus to fulfill the vision that the Lord gave Russ and Anne, to start The Father's Heart ministry which would become a Mobile Soup Kitchen for Christ in the City of Rochester.
  • In November 2010, TFH gathered a group to travel down to NYC to serve with NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry). The team ministered to the vulnerable around the City by sharing the hope and love of Christ with them.


  • Between the Fall of 2010 and the Spring of 2011, Russ and two other gentlemen retrofitted the bus to make it into a kitchen on wheels to serve the hurting and hopeless on the streets of Rochester. The Father's Heart couldn't have been happier with the way the Mobile Soup Kitchen for Christ turned out!


  • The first official outreach for The Father's Heart Ministry was on April 30th, 2011 on Fulton Avenue and Emerson Street.
  • In the Summer of 2011, a generous donor donated the Headquarters building on Lake Avenue to The Father's Ministry which is used to this day for all ministry operations to cook, prepare, and store everything that is used by the ministry at the outreaches.



  • In July 2012, The Father's Heart Newsletter was started by faithful volunteers who wanted to share the work that The Father’s Heart Ministry was doing all over the Rochester area. The newsletter is still published on a bimonthly basis and continues to serve as a way to show the ministry partners and others the scope and impact of what TFH is doing all over the greater Rochester community.
  • From November to December 2012, The Father’s Heart went down to NYC on two separate occasions to serve alongside NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry) after Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast. TFH served people in the greater NYC area including Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn (including Coney Island). TFH praised God throughout the two trips to NYC and were able to hand out over 4,000 hot homemade meals in the name of Jesus to the hurting, homeless, and hopeless.
    • On Sunday, November 4, 2012, about a week after Hurricane Sandy struck the coast, The Father’s Heart packed up the Mobile Soup Kitchen for Christ and went to NYC to help with the disaster relief efforts and to bless the people who suffered great loss in Jesus’ Name.

    • From November 29th-December 6th, 2012, The Father’s Heart went back to NYC to bless and serve those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Over the course of 6 days, TFH prepared and handed out 2,500 homemade meals to victims of the Hurricane. They ministered to many people who shared their stories of loss and had opportunities to pray, share, and cry with those who were hurting.
  • In December 2012, the Lord answered a prayer request of TFH team to receive their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Federal Government before the end of 2012. The day the team returned from their second Sandy trip to NYC, the tax-exempt papers were waiting in the mailbox and all approved by the Internal Revenue Service!


  • TFH received a renewed health permit for 2013 from the country along with the City of Rochester’s blanket permit to serve those who are needy throughout Rochester for 2013.
  • In June 2013, Russ and Anne were privileged to attend VBS at Calvary Chapel of Seneca Falls. They had the opportunity to share information about what they do at TFH ministry with pre-K kids up to youth group aged children. Russ and Anne were blessed that the kids chose to support The Father’s Heart Ministry during their Vacation Bible School program: they collected a bunch of paper products and they raised more than $1000 for the ministry!



  • The Father's Heart continues to minister to the needy at the Cadillac Hotel as well the Pines of Perinton and extends its ministry outreach to other locations around the Rochester area.


  • In 2015 the Box Truck was donated to The Father’s Heart Ministry.
  • In late August 2015, the Rochester community was stunned when seven young men were shot, three fatally, outside the Boys and Girls Club of Rochester. TFH ministry took its mobile soup kitchen and the gospel of Jesus Christ to the club and had outreaches two nights in a row to offer the healing, hope and joy of Jesus to the neighborhood.

  • On October 4, 2015, Russ was ordained as a pastor at Koinonia Fellowship.



-In the winter of 2016, through Perinton Community Church, ministry funds, and proceeds from the Sweet Jazz and Chocolate Fundraiser in November 2015, a 26-by-40-foot pole barn was built on the premises of TFH Headquarters on Lake Avenue to better serve the community. The barn was used to store the bus and provide more storage space to accommodate donations. Many faithful volunteers helped with the construction process and electrical work inside the barn. Numerous volunteers from local churches also donated their time, equipment, and materials to help with the construction process. TFH continues to be amazed and blessed by God’s faithfulness and provision!

-On November 17, 2016 Rochester First, Spectrum News reporter interviewed Pastor Russ Loria about TFH ministry and the work they are doing around the Rochester area. The reporter wrote an article entitled: Free Food and Clothing Distributed for Local Residents

-On December 3rd, The Father’s Heart Craft Sale raised more than $3,100 to support the ministry!


-In 2017 the Lord provided a brand-new parking lot donated or completed funded by a generous company. In addition, new siding and a front porch roof were able to be completed on the headquarters on Lake Avenue due to generous donations. 



-A new floor for the kitchen and bath were put in along with a revamped kitchen that was provided by an anonymous donor.

-TFH starts to pray for a newer van that is needed for the ministry. The converted bus that has been the mobile soup kitchen since 2011 needs to be replaced and is on its last legs. The team starts to pray for a used step van or something similar with low miles.

-In November 2018, TFH had a big Thanksgiving Outreach at the Headquarters and gave out more than 60 turkeys, with all the fixings for the meal, to those in need.

-In December 2018, TFH had a big Christmas Outreach and gave away more than 120 gifts and 60 hams. During the month of December, The Father’s Heart also received donations of 500 toys and another 50 gifts that we distributed in the weeks leading up to Christmas.


-The refurbished Hot Diggity Dog Ziggity hot dog cart has passed its health  department inspection and is ready to be used to win people to Christ.

-In 2019, due to wear and tear on the old mobile bus, The Father's Heart was able to purchase, retrofit, and wrap a new truck with proceeds from two years of fundraising events. It is now known as Rochester's new Mobile Kitchen for Christ. It was revealed to the public at The Father's Heart fundraiser in November 2019 and went out on it's first outreach the same month. Since then, The Father's Heart Mobile Kitchen for Christ continues to serve the needy of Rochester.

Artist’s concept of the type of vehicle TFH is considering for a new Mobile Kitchen

-In November 2019, TFH had an amazing outreach before Thanksgiving and gave out more than 90 turkeys with all the fixings. They were so thankful to all those who donated to this giveaway as it was a huge blessing to those who attended.

-In December 2019, TFH had two big outreaches on the two Saturdays before Christmas and gave out more than 200 gifts. They also received more than 30 boxes of Dollar Store toys that were given away. TFH continues to feel extremely thankful for those who donate toys for the kids or gifts for the adults for these outreaches.



-On January 12, Pastor Russ and Anne were interviewed by Pastor Domenico Danesi, from Rescue & Revive Ministries on WSYL Radio.

-In July 2020, TFH continues to serve people in Rochester during the COVID-19 pandemic. They offered curbside drive-thru on Saturdays at the ministry Headquarters from July-August.

-In the summer of 2020, the old bus was donated to Geneva Christian Fellowship.

-TFH is continually blessed by God’s faithfulness and provision through volunteers, ministry partners, and financial supporters that have helped sustain the ministry over the years. They praise the Lord that He provides for the ministry and they trust that He will continue to do so in the future! 

Isaiah 88:7(a), KJV

“Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him?“

Our Mission

Mission Statement

To share the love of Jesus by being His hands and feet through meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the lost and hurting in Rochester, NY, and the surrounding areas.

We accomplish our Mission by:

  • Assisting the homeless, families, and individuals in need, in and around Monroe County and surrounding areas.
  • Providing hot meals, clothing, personal hygiene items, Bible literature, prayer, and most of all...the Love of Jesus Christ!
  • Being the hands and feet of Jesus, by extending our love in our Jerusalem!
  • Transforming the lives of hurting, lonely, hopeless, and addicted people.

Our Vision

The vision of The Father’s Heart is to broaden the ministry through reaching more venues each week, and by adding new strong discipleship ministries such as Bible studies, a worship ministry, children’s ministry, and a women’s ministry.

Vision for the Future

  • To grow where God has planted us in the City of Rochester and the surrounding area.

  • To come together through networking with local churches and ministries by providing them with the practical tools and spiritual resources to meet the physical needs of those that are hurting and needy in their local community.

  • For the City of Rochester to know Jesus and to experience His love.


Our Beliefs

*Our Beliefs are consistent with that of the National Association of Evangelicals.


There are about 1,082,284 people living in the Metropolitan Area.

New York State has the second-highest number of chronically homeless individuals in the nation.
Live below the poverty line in Rochester. This number is higher than the national average of 13.1%.
People served each week through
The Father's Heart.


About our ministries, volunteering, donations, and schedule.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Anne, While praying this morning for tonight's outreach at Andrews Terrace, I went to John 5:19 where Jesus said He only does what He sees The Father doing. So I asked The Father what are you doing at Andrews Terrace tonight? As I waited on The Lord I sensed two words: wrist and knee. So tonight while talking with the people waiting in line I asked two different people if they had wrist and knee problems. They both said yes. So I prayed with them, and God took away some of the pain in the wrist, and the woman was very thankful. The man with the knee problem said to give it time God will work. So, Praise God! He is in control! Thank you, Jesus!

~Tim (Volunteer)