
 "...who will go for us?"
Isaiah 6:8

Next Outreach


Our Mission

We want to share the love of Jesus by being His hands and feet by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the lost and hurting around Rochester and in the surrounding areas.

Our History

In 2007 we began serving the needy in the Rochester area. Since then, we have added many outreaches to our ministry with the largest being our Mobile Kitchen for Christ outreach.

Know Jesus

We believe that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you. We want to help you find out what that means, where to begin, and where to go from here.

Make a Difference

How is God calling you to be a part of His work in the City of Rochester? Consider putting your faith into action on the streets or behind-the-scenes by partnering with us.

We believe there is still
hope for this city.

Get Involved

We are always looking for servants of The Lord to help us at our various outreach locations.
If you feel the tug of God on your heart to serve, or you have been considering serving, then please contact us!
We would love to have you help us make a difference, for the Kingdom of God!

TFH Prayer Requests

Your prayers are very important. Please pray for The Father's Heart in these areas:

  • Call forth the lost out of darkness into the light.
  • Direction from the Lord for The Father's Heart Ministry.
  • Freedom for the addicted from the strongholds of all addictions.
  • Protection over The Father's Heart and all servants and their families.
  • Financial provision for the ministry through God's wonderful grace.
Praying with the Youth at the Pines

Revelation 4:11, KJV

"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:
for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Outreach Needs

At this time we still are NOT collecting clothing donations. We are accepting toiletries and non-perishable food items, tracts, and Bibles (our greatest need is for kids’ Bibles and books). Thank you for all of the donations!

Donations can be dropped off at:

The Father’s Heart Headquarters
678 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY 14613

Days & Times:

Wednesday, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Thursday-Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday, 8:00-10:00 AM

For more information, call (585) 472-4331.

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